WordGo is equipped with everything you need to study the Bible including daily scripture readings, questions, study notes, and weekly teaching to help you go deeper.  

1. Find your Course

First, navigate to the Course area (book icon) and that day's Preview will appear. 

Tap the box to open that day's material.

The app will take you through a few thought-provoking messages and prompt you to Pray, if this is how you've set your Study Preferences.

Tap here to view or change your Study Preferences > 

2. Browse Material

In your first tab, that day's Scripture will appear. Swipe left to access the Questions and Notes.

To move to a different day's content, tap the X on the top right-hand corner of your screen and swipe left and right on that day's preview card. Here's a quick video on this >

Note! You can now mark your days complete to track with your personal study progression >

For guidance on how to take personal private notes, visit this article >

If you do not see all of your questions, you'll need to adjust your study preferences. To do so, visit this article >