We are very excited to announce that WordGo 1.8 is now live on both iOS and GooglePlay! This latest update brings some long awaited features to WordGo!
1. Group Guides
- Access New Group Settings Area: You'll have noticed a new settings cog in the Groups section within the app. You can tap on this settings cog and you'll have the options to change the name of your group and/or archive your group.
- For more detailed instructions on how to archive a group, click here.
- Find archived groups: Once you've selected to archive one of your groups, you'll see an 'Archived' option along the top right of your Groups area.
- Restore your group: You can easily tap on this 'Archived' option and select to 'Restore' any of your groups which will automatically take you to the Course Library to choose a new study for your group. If you would rather wait to choose a course at a later date, simply select the back arrow (<) next to the course library and your group will continue to show your previous study.
- Share "Guide role" with someone else in your group: Tap on the new settings cog again to open up an option to manage your group. Here you'll be able to select another member of the group to share the Group Guide role with. This will allow this additional member to add members, remove members, re-send Group member invites, stop a course, start a new course, and edit gathering details. You can also 'Remove the shared guide role' at any stage.
- Leave a group (you are not a guide of): If you want to leave a group that you are a member of, you now have the option to do this with the new Group Management function within the app. Tap the settings cog in your Groups area, then select "Leave the Group" and you will be able to remove yourself from the group.
2. Personal/Individual
- Access New Personal Settings Area: You'll have noticed a new settings cog in the Personal & Group section within the app. You can tap on this settings cog and you'll have the options to change the name of your personal study and/or archive your personal study.
- Restore your personal study: Once you have archived a personal study, you can easily tap on this 'Archived' option and select to 'Restore your personal study'.
3. Preview Group Gathering Details
We have created an area where you can preview your Group Gathering weekly details!
Simply tap on the 'Calendar' icon on the top right of your screen. You'll see here details of the course your group is studying, the next Gathering date & time and the location and/or online meeting url. When you're ready to study, simply tap 'Let's Get Started' and you'll head into your daily study.
4. Preview Group Member Study Time Preferences
It is now possible for Guides to view how long each Group Member has set to study for.
Simply tap on the 'Calendar' icon, top right of your screen, where you'll see a preview of your Group Gathering details. Then tap on 'Let's Get Started'. You'll see under the 'Attendance' section the 'Study Time' in green for each of member of your group. This allows guides to see what group members have access to specific questions.
5. Discussion
We've added a whole new way to enable discussion during your gatherings. Now a Guide can select a question, press the 'Discuss' button and that specific question will be highlighted on everyone's phone.
6. Support & Give
We have changed the look and added images to our Support (the icon with a (?)) and Give (the icon with a hand holding a heart) tabs.
7. Request App Support
You can also now easily request app support within the app. Simply tap on the new support icon '?' which you'll find at the middle and bottom of the app. Here you have the option to contact the WordGo Helpdesk or email WordGo if you have any questions, require support in any area or just want to give us some feedback! We'd love to hear from you.
Here's a video showing you how to access and use all of these new features!